Mrs. Joyce's Learning Lodge

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Letters of the Alphabet

Alphabet Knowledge:
Skills every child needs & Ways to Practice/Learn Them

  • Recognize the letters of the alphabet


  • Name the letters of the alphabet


  • Write the letters of the alphabet


  • Sequence the letters of the alphabet


  • Link the letters of the alphabet with the sounds they make

Play "Memory" with the alphabet, using 5-10 letters at a time

Matching games (using the letters)

Allow child to play with magnetic letters

Sing songs with the letter names and/or sounds

Show the child a letter and have him/her find it in a magazine or on a cereal box

Collect objects or picture that begin with a specific letter

Practice copying or writing letters or dry erase boards

Arrange letters in alphabetical order (using only a few letters at a time).  Allow the child to follow an example and slowly take it away.

Parents can practice saying the letters of the alphabet and each key word with their child.  Ask the child's teacher for the key words used in the classroom.

For forming letters:
Have the child walk the shapes of LARGE letters

Use body to form the shapes of letters while lying on the floor

Use a flashlight to show children how to write letters on the wall



Click on the "Learning Games" button at the top of the page to view some online games that help children learn the alphabet.

E-mail Mrs. Joyce at
